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Xero Shoes Prio - women

Xero Shoes Prio - women

Xero Shoes Prio - women
Xero Shoes Prio - women
Xero Shoes Prio - women

99,00 + poštovné
Vrátane DPH 25.5 %


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Citron žltá
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Nautical modrá


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Celkové hodnotenie ()

Popis produktu

Ominaisuuksiltaan täsmälleen sama kenkä kuin Xeron uudempi Prio, mutta kokomitoitus on erilainen.

Tens of thousands of people have worn Xero Shoes sandals for millions of miles of running. But sometimes a shoe is a more appropriate option.

The Prio is a high-performance, true minimalist running and fitness shoe.

Why you’ll love the Ipari Prio

• Natural FIT - a wide toe box lets your toes spread and relax. Plus the “XERO-drop” sole (non-elevated heel and low-to-the ground) allows for proper posture, balance and agility.
• Natural FUNCTION - the Prio is flexible enough to let your feet bend, move, and flex the way that feet are supposed to. Plus, they’re so lightweight, you’ll barely know you have them on. A Men’s size 9 shoes is only 215 grams each.
• Natural FEEL - the Prio uses the same 5.5mm FeelTrue rubber sole from the Z-Trek sandal, so you get great protection while still getting the ground feedback that your feet and brain like. The Prio truly lets you Feel The World.
• Vegan friendly materials - no animal products in the Prio.
• Huarache inspired design - the heel strap is not only eye-catching but functional.
• Adjustable instep strap - the "inverted V" straps aren’t sewn down, so you can use them to lock in your instep while keeping your toes free to move.
• Reflective straps - the middle section of the heel and instep straps is highly reflective for after dark.
• Optional 2mm insole - if you need a bit of extra protection, add in the optional 2mm insole.
• Barefoot friendly - wear the Prio with or without socks.

Why is it called "Ipari Prio"?

The Prio is about proPRIOception. Your feet are supposed to move, bend, flex and feel… the Prio lets you do that. Take them for a spin and FEEL the Freedom, FEEL the fun, and FEEL the World.

PLEASE NOTE: Always choose the size according to your foot length and the inner measurement of the shoe (NOT by the size you usually use as different brands have different sizing). For sneakers add about 1-1.2 cm to your foot legth and select the size closest to that measurement.

Ročné obdobie

Šírka chodidla

Vyberateľná stieľka

Water resistance

0,7 kg(Môže zahŕňať hmotnosť predajného obalu)

Krajina výroby

riikka b. verified buyer, 19.1.2021
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Kúpila som dieťaťu a tieto topánky sa mu veľmi páčia.
Maria R. verified buyer, 9.6.2020
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Podrážka nie je veľmi pružná. Pohodlné na chodidlo, aj keď som musel zmeniť veľkosť, kým som našiel vhodný pre tento model. Topánky sú vhodné na rôzne formy cvičenia a sám ich používam napríklad pri jazde na horskom bicykli. Asi dobrá obuv pre tých, ktorí si zvyknú na pj topánky.
Venla S. verified buyer, 29.3.2020
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Skutočne dobrá obuv! Sám nemal po prvej prechádzke boľavé nohy, hoci ho varovali. Na druhej strane doma chodím väčšinou bosý. Odporúčam, ak si chcete vyskúšať také minimalistické topánky.
Maija I. verified buyer, 19.7.2019
Celkové hodnotenie
Preložené GoogleZobraziť pôvodný text
Na nohe naozaj krásny, taký mäkký a široký. Špeciálne vďaka širokému prstu na nohách, áno, je tu priestor pre prsty pohodlne.
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Xero Shoes Prio - Barefoot shoe - review


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